Travelling is an amazing adventure, but the pleasure of discovering new places can occasionally interfere with our sleep patterns. It can be difficult to sleep on planes, trains, cabs and even hotels. You can be thrown off by jet lag and being tired from walking all day can leave you perplexed in bed.
Getting a decent night’s sleep on the road can be difficult, whether you’re travelling time zones or adjusting to an unfamiliar sleep environment. But if you learn the tips and tricks of sleeping well while travelling, you can still be well rested despite being on the road..
Why Can’t We Sleep When We’re Travelling

Travelling, whether for work or pleasure, promises new experiences and adventures. However, getting a decent night’s sleep is a typical and often unpleasant difficulty that many people confront while travelling. Let’s look at the elements that contribute to this occurrence and why getting some Zzzs while travelling can be difficult.
1. The Unfamiliar Sleep Vibe
Adjusting to a new bed, changing room temperature, and unusual sounds can make our brains feel unsettled. The novelty of the surroundings might cause a state of heightened vigilance, making it difficult to go into a deep and peaceful slumber.
2. Jet lag and Time Zone Inconsistencies:
Travelling across time zones throws off our internal body clock, resulting in the dreaded jet lag. The misalignment between your destination’s time and your body’s internal clock can cause difficulty falling asleep when you need to and feeling excessively sleepy at inappropriate times.
3. Excitement and Anxiety:
Travel and the expectation of new experiences can elicit a range of feelings, including heightened exhilaration or, conversely, dread. These emotional states can cause stress hormones to rise, making it difficult for the body and mind to relax and fall asleep.
4. Sleep Schedule Disruption:
Our natural sleep habits can be disrupted by irregular travel schedules, late-night arrivals, and early morning departures. Inconsistent sleep hours can disturb the body’s internal schedule, making it harder to fall asleep and wake up refreshed.
5. Environmental Aspects:
Ambient light, room temperature, and noise levels can all vary dramatically between travel lodgings. These environmental variances may conflict with our sleep preferences, making it difficult to generate the perfect settings for restorative sleep.
6. Food and drink overindulgence
Travelling frequently entails indulging in local food and possibly drinking a few drinks. While this can improve the trip experience, excessive food and drink consumption, especially close to bedtime, can upset digestion and interfere with the body’s ability to fall asleep.
7. Not Having Your Favorite Pillow and Blanket

The absence of traditional sleep aids, such as your own pillow or a soothing blanket, can add to a sense of discomfort and disquiet. Your favourite spot on your bed may not be the same in a hotel room. These elements, which serve as sleep cues in our daily life, are sometimes overlooked while we are away from home.
How To Get Better Sleep While Travelling

Travelling is one of the best ways to experience life and see the world but it can also hamper you from getting the sleep that you need. You need many things to align in order for you to get a decent shut eye. And because you may not have your favourite things for bed time at hand while travelling, you may end up unable to doze off properly.
Here are some tips to get better sleep while travelling:
1. Maintain a Sleep Schedule
Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule enables your body’s internal clock to reset, making it simpler to adjust to new time zones. Even on weekends, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time to build a routine that communicates to your body when it’s time to relax.
2. Create a Relaxing Sleep Environment
Bring along familiar sleep essentials, such as your own pillow or a sleep mask, to help you reproduce a comfortable sleeping environment. To drown out unexpected sounds that can impair your sleep, use earplugs or white noise devices.
3. Say Yes to Natural Light

Natural light is an effective tool for managing your circadian rhythm. Spend time outside during the day, especially in the morning, to indicate to your body that it is time to get up. Dim the lights in the evening to encourage relaxation. Vitamin D helps our bodies produce Serotonin that is a precursor to sleeping.
4. Be Careful With Caffeine and Your Meals
Caffeine consumption should be limited, especially in the afternoon and evening. Caffeine might make it difficult to fall asleep. Similarly, big meals close to bedtime may induce pain and impair your sleep.
5. Keep Yourself Hydrated
Fatigue can be exacerbated by dehydration. Stay hydrated during the day, but avoid drinking big amounts of liquids close to bedtime to avoid disturbing excursions to the bathroom during the night.
6. Exercise on a Regular Basis:
Try to exercise on a regular basis, even if it’s simply a brisk walk. Exercise can help you sleep better, but try to finish your workout several hours before bedtime to give your body time to relax.
7. Avoid Being Glued to Your Phone:
Electronic device blue light can interfere with your body’s generation of melatonin, a hormone that governs sleep. Reduce screen usage at least one hour before bedtime to encourage a more restful night’s sleep.
8. Ask Your Doctor for Sleep Aids
If transitioning to a new time zone is difficult, consider using sleep aids such as melatonin supplements. Before using any sleep aids, consult with a healthcare expert to confirm they are safe and appropriate for your requirements.
Catching up on your sleep while doing your wanderlust trips is still possible if you make sleep into a priority. Make sure not to over plan your day when going to places and a lot of time for rest. Take care of your sleep schedule when you are travelling because feeling groggy and tired while outside can make you a grumpy traveller.