Health & Fitness

can we workout before sleep?

January 5, 2017   By Ecosa Dream Writers

Are you the type of person that enjoys a night run around the neighbourhood or a Pilates session with your favourite late-night television show?

If so, you have probably been wondering whether working out before bed could affect your sleep quality.

Will exercising before bed worsen your sleep quality?

This is another long-standing myth surrounding exercise and sleep.

Exercising is a great way to assist with the body’s metabolism and would normally improve your sleep quality.

However, vigorous exercises should be avoided in the few hours leading to bed because they would boost your adrenaline and make it difficult for you to wind down, according to Harvard professor Dr Stuart Quan.

Adrenaline speeds up the heart rate and makes the brain particularly active. So always leave at least two hours between your exercise and bedtime to achieve a good night’s sleep and the best fitness goal.

This is just one kind of people, however, as there is another kind that are not very much affected by late-night exercises.

A study has shown that there is no significant difference in subjective sleep quality after exercising right before bed.

The best way to find out which kind you are is to have a trial night to see whether night workout decreases your sleep quality.

Some research finds exercising in the evening and at night is more effective than doing it first thing in the morning.

For those who like to hit the gym at night, skipping their workout routine for a day may get them tossing and turning throughout the night.

What kind of exercise should you do before bed?

It is recommended that you do some light cardio exercise, instead of heavy muscle-building sessions at night to keep your adrenaline at a steady level.

Jogging and walking are a couple of good workout examples that can improve your flexibility and core strength without dramatically increasing your heart rate.

Some push-ups, lunges and planks can also tone the body without too much sweat.

Try to avoid vigorous exercises, including heavy weight lifting, running and boxing, two hours before bedtime.

How to get ready for bed after exercising?

It’s important to cool down from your workout before hitting the sack.

One way to do this is to take a shower after exercising, as the rapid decline in the body temperature after a shower serves as a natural sleep inducer. But wait for about 20 minutes before jumping into the shower.

(See previous article on whether to shower at night or in the morning).

Some relaxing music and aromatherapy essential oils can effectively help you wind down.

Another tip is to use deep breathing exercises to slow down your heart rate and lower the adrenaline level.

If you feel hungry after a long workout session, you can have some light snacks such as a piece of fruit or low-fat yogurt to satisfy your craving. But do not have a large meal before bed, as your body will not able to digest it.

(See previous article on how long before bed should I stop eating).

Exercise should be adapted into your daily routines, no matter how busy you are. Make sure you understand your body clock well enough so you can achieve the best fitness and sleep outcomes possible.

Have a good dream, good night!

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Shower before bed or in the morning

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